How to Make Questionnaire

How You Can Make Questionnaire for Dissertation Effective


A questionnaire is a set of printed questions along with the answers. If you are asked to collect the data for your dissertation by conducting primary research, then you will need to make a questionnaire and try to know the different answers of the different people. There are a lot of types to make a questionnaire for your dissertation. Some popular types of the questionnaires are given below;

The Dichotomous Questionnaire: In this type of Questionnaire, you are required to give the answers to the questions in “Yes” or “No” only.

The Multiple Choice Questionnaire: In the multiple choice Questionnaire, you are asked to choose the answer of a question from four or five options.

Rank Order Scaling Questionnaire: In this type of Questionnaire, you are given some products and you are asked to rank these products from top to the bottom.

The Open-Ended Questionnaire: In this type of Questionnaire, you are asked to give your own views on a particular product or thing.

These are the some important types of Questionnaires. In this article, expert PhD thesis writers will provide you some tips in order to make a Questionnaire for your dissertation. These tips are given below;

  1. First of all, you should try to identify the goal of your Questionnaire. In this goal, you should try to identify your area of research and you should also try to identify your area of interest.
  2. As we have discussed earlier that there are a lot of types of Questionnaires. It is also necessary for you to select one of them.
  3. After selecting the type of the Questionnaire, you will be able to make the questions in your Questionnaire. You should try to make the questions as simple as possible. In this way, the reader will be able to give the answers to these questions easily. On the other hand, it is difficult for the reader to give the answers to complicated questions.
  4. The length of the questions is also very important. You should try to make the questions as short as possible. If we try to make the questions long, then these questions will not be interesting for the audience.
  5. You should also try to keep the mind your target audience while making questions in the Questionnaire. In this regard, you should keep in mind the sex, age and religion of the audience.
  6. If you are going to ask some private questions in the Questionnaire, then you should try to ensure the privacy of their answers.
  7. In the Questionnaire, you should try to explain the purpose of the Questionnaire.
  8. You should also keep in mind the estimated time for the Questionnaire.
  9. You can also introduce yourself in the Questionnaire.
  10. You should try to make your Questionnaire professional.
  11. When you are going to distribute your Questionnaire, then you should try to mention the deadline. In this way, the audience will be able to complete it before the deadline.