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What Are Flipped Classrooms? Advantages and Disadvantages


A flipped classroom is a blended learning strategy and learner-centered approach that uses technology to impart education.  This concept involves online tutorials and Learning Management Systems (LMS) to teach academic subjects and impart information. This system is unlike the traditional learning method in which the teacher gives the lectures to the students from the textbooks in the classrooms and controls the discussions in the class.

According to experts of coursework writing services, the flipped classroom model is very different and encourages the learners to do their own research and prepare beforehand on topics at home before their lecture during the class periods. It allows the students to collaborate via online discussions.

The flipped technology resembles or is close to concepts like Smart classroom, LMS, and Virtual Reality. This teaching and learning methodology reduces the teachers’ workload, enhances classroom management, and reduces homework pressure on students as they are already prepared when they attend the class.

The teachers can focus on in-depth teaching methods, skill development activities, and problem-solving concepts that play a significant part in the learning process. In addition to this, the student-teacher collaboration in the flipped classroom becomes more personalized, allowing the students to take an active part in the learning process, show interest and involve themselves in what is going on in the class.

Advantages Of A Flipped Classroom         

It Offers More Control To Students

Flipped Classrooms 2In a flipped classroom, students have more control over their learning as they have to increase their input. By getting short lectures at home, students enjoy the freedom to learn at their own pace. It gives students the benefit to pause or rewind the lectures, make notes, write down questions regarding what they want to discuss with their teachers or peers, and even come up with their own solutions to the problems they are studying.

It gives students a chance to understand concepts in their way without rushing them. Students have the material, and they can take their time to review it while they get the teacher’s help as and when they need it. This not only improves students’ achievement but also their overall response in the class when they are performing better and know that they are in a favorable position.

It Enhances Student-Centered Learning And Collaboration

With flipped classrooms, students have the benefit to master various skills in collaborative projects and discussions. While working together, students have a chance to teach and learn from each other and perform better when they are at the same time with no fear of not being able to understand or being reprimanded if they are not right.

When students take the front seat in their learning process, they can own the knowledge they achieve, which in turn builds confidence. The teachers can guide them if they are heading in the wrong direction or making a mistake to set them clear, but other than that, they have ample chances to learn and focus on their goals.

It Makes The Content And Learning Material More Accessible

Flipped classrooms make access to learning material and content easy when there is tech assistance. The students have video or audio lectures that they can see or hear as much as they want if they are missing classes due to any reason, including sickness, sports, or emergency. They can catch up quickly without lagging and continue with the learning process, which ultimately leads to better results.

Flipped classroom encourages students to make use of the digital content and explore knowledge beyond their textbooks. It leads to better-personalized learning and teaching methods as students become aware of what is going on around them and do better as they are interested in what is happening around them. Instead of the teacher pushing the students to do better, flipped classrooms provide students the chance to take the leading role and understand what they want to do.

Disadvantages Of A Flipped Classroom

It Cannot Work Without Digital Devices

Flipped ClassroomsOne of the biggest disadvantages of a flipped classroom is that it requires students to have access to a computer and internet connection to view the lectures and connect with other students and teachers. It does not work for students from the lower-income group or those living in remote areas who do not have access to digital devices and have limited resources.

It Relies On Trust And Cooperation

Flipped classrooms depend on the students’ trust and cooperation with the system, and it is up to the students to watch the lectures at home and prepare accordingly. There is no way to know if the students are honest with their progress and if they are cooperating with the flipped model to learn.

It Hampers Learning Powers

In flipped classrooms, students end up spending hours on their computers watching the lectures or listening to them. Sitting for long hours and staring at the computer screen is not good for their eyes and overall health as they are not getting any physical activity, and it can begin to affect their learning powers. Also, not everyone is good at computer usage, especially students who were not exposed to one since an early age, and too much exposure to screen may affect their progress instead of enhancing it.

It Is Distorting The Traditional Teaching Method

As told by a coursework help firm, a flipped classroom is very different from the traditional classroom, and experts believe that it is changing the way students behaved and learned in the school. With everything available online from notes to lectures and academic consultation, the need and the concept of the traditional teaching methods is at risk. Not only this, the students are forgetting what it is to sit in a classroom full of other students and learn in a competitive environment.

The advantages of flipped classrooms outweigh the disadvantages and, despite all the issues that have been highlighted, it has proved to be a very effective, hands-on approach that can improve student achievement and help them excel in their education.  When used the right way, the flipped classroom can help set the course for a new type of learning that aids students immensely in their academic careers.